Wednesday, July 09, 2008

On Tuesday I attended a rally to support new facilities for USDB (Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind). I'm not really the rally type of person but this is an issue that I have worked on for years only to meet with ineptness and lack of vision or intesrest by USDB. This time this was organized by someone else. I wanted to support them. It was worth it. A mover and shaker dad/salesman (Chris Bijou) arranged a meeting with Governor Huntsman ans several members of his cabinet. I asked if I could go and represent Utah County. Several of the people had seen the Journey to Hear blog and thought I could contribute. I think I did, asking some good questions about how Charter schools are built so quickly, private funding/donations of buildings and also the unique pre-school need deaf children have.

Journey to Hear could raise all the money needed for a new facility get it built and then donate it to USDB? THEM?! Hmmmmm. That doesn't seem to be the right solution.

SOUND BEGINNINGS in Logan (USU) has speech therapy THREE (3!) times a week in the SUMMER. USDB, Utah County, isn't doing anything for deaf children this summer. ZERO. No one seems to "qualify." This seems borderline evil.

Right now we need to figure out hat our goal is. Esther and I are bouncing ideas back and forth. We welcome any ideas/comments.

Parent Meeting in the works for:
a Potluck at the Pool
2 August 2008
4-7:00 p.m.
2720 Edgewood

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